Project Description

Workshop with students and exhibition

“Sustain*Ability*Art” is an initiative from the Consulate General of France and the Consulate General of Germany in collaboration with Goethe-Institut Hongkong.

This showcase is geared towards enhancing public understanding, especially among young individuals, about the environmental issues challenging our planet.

In a workshop setting, French architect Charlotte Lafont-Hugo and German artist Cornelia Erdmann worked with students pursuing a Higher Diploma in Visual Arts and Culture at the Hong Kong Design Institute to develop artworks made from ocean trash they collected together on a beach in Hong Kong. Through collaboration with the local non-governmental organization Plastic Free Seas, discarded waste gathered from the shoreline and ingeniously transformed by the studenst into art installations and multi-dimensional mixed media pieces that stimulate our senses and contemplation. These creations spotlight the environmental consequences of unsustainable human consumption and excessive plastic use.

Then, the artworks fashioned from repurposed materials were exhibited at the Goethe-Instiut’s gallery and traveled later to be exhibited at the German international school as well as at the French international school.

2–23 September 2023
Goethe-Gallery and Black Box Studio


Consulate General of France,
Consulate General of Germany
Hong Kong Design Institute
Goethe-Institut Hongkong
Deutsch-Französischer Kulturfonds